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Induction plasma
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Induction plasma
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Our force is based on our experience and our expertise but also on our partnership with acknowledged scientists and academics :

-         école Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris.
-         Some international experts in plasma induction.

Some partnerships are ongoing with academic laboratories and companies localized in the World…

This synergy allows us to be rapid and to use the current resources in the World to imagine new applications with few adjusting.

We are also supported by some institutional organizations : the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de l'Essonne, the CRITT Chemistry in Paris, OSEO-ANVAR, HEC Challenge+ and Agoranov, incubator of start up of the Parisian high schools and universities. Moreover, Nephtys Materials starts collaboration with Universities, in particular the DESS Management of Innovation Project section of University Paris-Dauphine, and the Institut Supérieur de Technologie et de Management from the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris.

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